Dev : Watchers
Spy any value of the memory space.
It's a great feature for developpers because, with the help of nm2wch tool, you can generate watchers list from source file!
For hackers, it lets you spy memory space for points, life, score...
I also added structures support.
For that you need to add a .str file with 1 or more structure definition.
In the screenshot, str_Level is defined like this :
STRUCT str_Level
CHAR idx
CHAR _pad_
SHORT width
SHORT height
CHAR pal
CHAR _pad_
LONG data
so, any structure must start by 'STRUCT' keyword followed my struct name (20char max)
then you add any element you want using 'CHAR', 'SHORT' or 'LONG' keywords followed by element name (20 char max)
it's a good use to add the 'END' keyword but it's optionnal.
Any other keywords or strings (like // or others comments keywords) are ignored.
On "Watchers" list view, row in italic are sub element of a watcher, you can't change its type and if you delete it, you delete the watcher (and all its sub elements).
A side note on the 'CHAR' type, like you can see on the sample, I added to _pad_ element because M68K can't read word of odd address.
It's interesting : this 10 bytes structure uses in fact 12 bytes in memory!
Address (hex)
Input the address to watch in hexadecimal
On right click, a popupmenu allows you to jump to memory view at this place (RAM only).
Change its value on double click.
Name of the watcher (if from a nm2wch convertion).
You can't change it yourself (sorry, need to find how first, WinAPI doesn't handle thisby default)
Value of the watcher, in select format.
On right click, a popupmenu let you choose the format of output.
For complex imported watchers, you can choose one of your defined structure.
Tell you what you're looking for (
up to 0x00400000 ROM
up to 0x00800000 Sega 1
up to 0x00A00000 Sega 2
up to 0x00A10000 Z80
up to 0x00A11000 IO
up to 0x00A12000 Control
up to 0x00B00000 Sega 3
up to 0x00C00000 Sega 4
up to 0x00E00000 VDP
from 0x00FF0000 RAM
It's dangerous, but possible, to watch between 0x00E00000 and 0x00FF000, so you'll see !! WARNING !!
Insert watcher
At a new watcher at 0x00000000
Edit the address you want to watch
Delete watcher
Delete current highlighted watcher
Save watchers
Save all the watchers (see Autoload watcher option)
Structure information ARE NOT saved to avoid strange behavior if you delete, add or change order of structures definition in the .str file.
Load watchers
Load a new set of watchers (the current ones are deleted)
Copyright ©2007 Kaneda
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